Unit 6 Food. Exam practice - kl 8b/8s

Morning ;))          

Last week we did some reading online

with a vocab exercise (Books p. 88-89).
Unit 6 Food

I've also asked you to do some exercises on the next page later 
(ex. A/B/C p.90)

Today you will continue reading but in your Workbooks     (Ćwiczenia).
Please open them on page 66 and there is a text about  HONEY   with some gaps to fill in. 

Then do the exercises A & B on the next page.  Translate any vocabulary needed. 

Everyone please do it now and we will check it tomorrow.
Photos of the completed task will send me today:
  •  8s: Oskar, Kuba & Filip
  •  8b: Pola, Marika & Maks


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