7b, 7c, 7f. Halloween - tradition of English speaking countries.

Hi ;))))

How are you? 
I hope you aren't scared 😉 😊

What do you already know about Halloween?  
What kind of costume would you wear if you could? ;)))

Its definitely not a Polish tradition 
but since you're learning English it's good to know a little bit about other traditions too ;)))
It's very popular, funny & scary and also quite 'old' festivity 😉
Usually widely celebrated in all English speaking countries 
(but not this year ;((( ). 

Watch a video and learn something more about it:

Bet You Didn't Know: Halloween | History

Jeśli to za trudne, może to będzie prostsze ;))
Pod tematem lekcji zapiszcie kilka zdań/ wyrażeń związanych z Halloween.

 + And something really silly and funny ;))) Halloween song 🎃🎶😃

Zanotujcie kilka słówek przy każdej postaci/kostiumie. 

Karta pracy do wyboru:

Jeśli to dla Was za łatwe i dziecinne, zapraszam na post dla klasy 8 ;))

Thanks  😉
& have a safe weekend


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