
7f / 7b / 7c - Invitations

 TOPIC: Invitations and making offers.  Intro: Dzisiejsza lekcja + homework: Books: page 10 Workbooks : page 9 Nie trzeba zostawiać komentarzy, gdy mamy lekcje online na Teams. Zamieszczam tu tylko notatkę po lekcji, jeśli ktoś czegoś nie dosłyszał. Pozdrawiam ;))

8b. 8a/s - The Cure 'Lullaby'.

Hi guys You are to old to draw a pumpkin 🎃  🎧  so we will listen some  ' kind -a- Halloween' song today ;))) It's probably twice as old as you :)) but still good.  Maybe you know it, maybe your parents will know it...? We'll see.  Just don't be misled by the title. It's more like a nightmare song than a lullaby 😱😈   PS: People with arachnophobia - don't watch !  just listen.  The Cure 'Lullaby' On candy stripe legs the ..............  comes Softly through the shadow of the evening sun Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead Looking for the victim shivering in ......... Searching out fear in the gathering gloom  And suddenly A movement in the........... of the room And there is nothing I can do When I realize with ........... That the Spiderman is having me for ............ tonight Quietly he laughs and shaking his head Creeps closer now .........  to the foot of the bed And softer than shadow and quicker than...

7b, 7c, 7f. Halloween - tradition of English speaking countries.

Hi ;)))) How are you?  I hope you aren't scared 😉 😊 What do you already know about Halloween ?   What kind of costume would you wear if you could? ;))) Its definitely not a Polish tradition  but since you're learning English it's good to know a little bit about other traditions too ;))) It's very popular, funny & scary and also quite 'old' festivity 😉 Usually widely celebrated in all English speaking countries  (but not this year ;((( ).  Watch a video and learn something more about it: Bet You Didn't Know: Halloween | History Jeśli to za trudne, może to będzie prostsze ;)) Pod tematem lekcji zapiszcie kilka zdań/ wyrażeń związanych z Halloween.   + And something  really silly and funny ;))) Halloween song 🎃🎶😃 Zanotujcie kilka słówek przy każdej postaci/kostiumie. Karta pracy do wyboru:

8b. Road trip. Vocabulary 1.

Morning guys  :))     We've recently started Unit 2. Road Trip .  Last week you were supposed to do ex. H p. 29  in your notebooks.  Please write down today's topic and check yourself  if you've done it ;)) It is impossible to go on a journey without knowing the signs  so take a closer look at the picture above and try to do  task G in your books, page 29.    You have similar exercise in your Workbooks p. 22.  Then open your books on page 30.   There is a lot of new vocabulary there.  Use a dictionary   and translate all new words. Write them down into your notebooks please.  Next do the tasks from A to D;  (C in your notebooks 😉). Here is the link to all the recordings if you want to check your answers   Please keep it and save it for later ;))) Homework: ex. A& B p. 23 - Workbook. Moi drodzy dziś ćwiczen...

7b. CGI - The history of special effects.

Hi everyone :))   How are you ?  We were talking about movies recently (a lot!) and today we'll learn about the  history of CGI. (CGI - computer-generated imaginary).  I'm sure you cannot imagine a movie without some special effects now; however, there wasn't always like that ;))) To interest you a bit ... 😉 there is a short story of  evolution of CGI  in the movies : How many of them have you seen? ;))  Which is your favourite?  Let us know in the comment section. And here are the best from the last decade: Now after this short entry please  open your exercises on page 12 and do ex. 2-4 .  Write down and translate any new vocabulary into your notebook, for example: complex - transparent - powerful - liquid - sequence - however - upload - .... (and whatever you wish 😊 ) MOST FAMOUS Movies BEFORE AND AFTER Special Effects Moi drodzy  :) Dział, który teraz omawiamy jest poświęcon...

7c - Online exercises.

Moi drodzy,   ostatnio   karty pracy były dla chętnych, dziś dla wszystkich ;)) Obowiązkowo  (!) przynajmniej jedna do wyboru .  By poćwiczyć lub przypomnieć sobie wiadomości zapraszam na poprzedni wpis lub do Waszych książek - sekcja Grammar, na końcu 1 Unit'u. The same like last year (przypomnienie dla sklerotyków 😉😊).  Klikamy w link, wypełniamy 👉 send my answers to my teacher, podpisać się i podać mój mail: Easy peasy ;))) Thanks ...

7f & 7c . CGI - The history of special effects.

  Hi everyone :))   How are you ?  We were talking about movies recently (a lot!) and today we'll learn about the history of CGI. (CGI - computer-generated imaginary).  I'm sure you cannot imagine a movie without some special effects now; however, there wasn't always like that ;))) To interest you a bit ... 😉 there is a short story of evolution of CGI  in the movies : How many of them have you seen? ;))  Which is your favourite?  Let us know in the comment section. And here are the best from the last decade: Now after this short entry please open your exercises on page 12 and do ex. 2-4 .  Write down and translate any new vocabulary into your notebook, for example: complex - transparent - powerful - liquid - sequence - however - upload - .... (and whatever you wish 😊 ) MOST FAMOUS Movies BEFORE AND AFTER Special Effects Moi drodzy  Dział, który teraz omawiamy jest poświęcony sztuce filmo...